You can buy or sell Zavarovalnica Triglav, d.d., shares (ZVTG symbol) by opening an account and placing a trading order with a brokerage firm that is a member of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange. For more information on stock market trading, see the Ljubljana Stock Exchange website.
The register of shareholdings is maintained by the Central Securities Clearing Corporation (KDD) in Ljubljana. Upon request, KDD will issue an annual account balance statement or an account balance statement for any given date.
Each year, dividend payment and also date of record in the register of shareholders, to establish entitlement for dividends are subject to approval by the General Meeting of Shareholders.
The deadline for the dividend payment is decided by the General Meeting of Shareholders. Payment is made by your bank or brokerage firm.
Dividends are taxed at a rate of 25%. The tax is paid by the share issuer. Domestic natural persons receive a net dividend payment amounting to 75% of the gross dividend. Dividends are not subject to income tax assessment.
All holders of Zavarovalnica Triglav, d.d., shares can attend the General Meeting of Shareholders. The date, location, agenda and other relevant information for participation are published by the Management Board in the convocation of the General Meeting of Shareholders on SEOnet, the Ljubljana Stock Exchange information system, at least 30 days prior to the meeting. You can participate in the Annual General Meeting directly or indirectly through a proxy authorised to represent you.
ZVTG shares were listed on the Ljubljana Stock Exchange on 9/9/2008.
Shareholder's personal information is managed by the Central Securities Clearing Corporation (KDD), so any change of personal details must be notified to KDD. In the case of changes to your bank account details, the updated information must be sent to your bank or brokerage firm.
The privatisation of insurance companies started in 2000, when the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia adopted the Ownership Transformation of Insurance Companies Act, regulating the ownership transformation of socially owned capital in insurance companies.
Following a decision by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia, the revised Ownership Transformation of Insurance Companies Act (ZLPZ-1) was adopted to allow for the possibility of further privatisation of the shares of Zavarovalnica Triglav that were transferred to Kapitalska družba. Until the implementation of a special act, Kapitalska družba had limited management rights on its 34.47% stake in Zavarovalnica Triglav, d.d., as the Act suspended its right of disposal. Kapitalska družba exercised all other ownership rights and received dividends.
On 11/9/2007 the National Assembly adopted the Act Amending the Ownership Transformation of Insurance Companies Act (ZLPZ-1A), which restored the right of Kapitalska družba to freely dispose of the shares of Zavarovalnica Triglav, d.d.. At the request of the National Council of the Republic of Slovenia, the National Assembly adopted a decree (Official Gazette RS, No. 87/2007) calling a legislative referendum for 11/11/2007 on the Act Amending the Ownership Transformation of Insurance Companies Act (ZLPZ-1A). The majority voted against and the Act did not enter into force.
On 23/5/2008, the National Assembly adopted the Ownership Transformation of Insurance Companie's Shareholdings to Which Natural Persons Are Entitled Act (ZLPDZ), which entered into force on 21/6/2008. The Act stipulates that insurance company shares which had been issued for a stake in the undenominated capital owned by Kapitalska družba on the basis of the Ownership Transformation of Insurance Companies Act be permanently transferred to the Pension and Disability Insurance Institute with the sole purpose of providing additional funds for compulsory pension and disability insurance. The shares are managed by Kapitalska družba on behalf of and for the account of the Pension and Disability Insurance Institute.