Companies of Triglav Group

Zavarovalnica Triglav d.d. is the controlling company of the Triglav Group. As at 30 June 2024, the Triglav Group comprised 54 companies: the parent company, 31 subsidiaries, 12 associates and 10 joint ventures. With more than 120 years of tradition, it is the largest and the oldest Slovenian insurer. Its financial strength is also demonstrated by the credit ratings of S&P Global Ratings (“A” with a stable medium-term outlook) and AM Best (“A” with a stable medium-term outlook).
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Structure of employees by markets as at 30 June 2024

The Triglav Group is presented in seven markets in six countries and employs 5,225 employees.

Total revenue

Total revenue is composed of insurance revenue, asset management income and other income. In the first half of 2024, total revenue amounted to EUR 642.7 million, down by 4% relative to the preceding year.


Structure of gross written premium

The Group’s core business is insurance. In the first half of 2024, the Triglav Group posted a total of EUR 867.9 million in consolidated gross written insurance, coinsurance and reinsurance premiums, down by 3% relative to the preceding year.



Stock price ZVTG
(15 min interval)
The share of Zavarovalnica Triglav d.d., has been listed on the Ljubljana Stock Exchange Prime Market since 5/12/2011 (trading code ZVTG).
  • Number of shares: 22,735,148
  • Credit rating (S&P Global Ratings, AM Best): “A” stable medium term outlook