Our comprehensive system ensures that the key business risks are adequately identified, assessed or measured, managed and monitored. It covers all areas, with an emphasis on those that have a material impact on the operations and objectives of the Triglav Group.
The Group’s risk management system is based on the Three Lines of Defense.
Risk management function
The Risk Management Department bears the overall responsibility for coordinated and continuous operation of the integrated risk management system. It monitors the Group’s overall risk profile and develops the risk measurement methodology and risk assessment models.
It reports on risk exposure and assesses capital adequacy using the standard solvency formula and other capital models. The risk management system includes several committees, as shown in the following presentation.
Capital management
At any time, the Triglav Group has at its disposal sufficient capital, which enables it to assume risks. Capital is the first criterion for assessing the Group’s solvency. Through capital management we primarily ensure sufficient and appropriate capital adequacy of the Triglav Group on both a consolidated and individual basis.
The objective of capital management is thus to ensure the safety and profitability of operations, and the long-term and stable return on the owners’ investments with a dividend payout that meets the predefined criteria of the dividend policy. The Group is adequately capitalised, which is reported in the Annual Report of the Triglav Group, chapter Risk Management, and in annual reports on the solvency and financial position of the Triglav Group.
Triglav Group participated EIOPA 2024 Insurance Stress test, key Indicators are presented in the document 2024 Insurance stress test Indicators Triglav Group.