Through the active Investor relations we promote the attractiveness of our share to investors, shareholders and analysts. The calendar of Investor relations events, together with the presentations, is published below.
27/11/2025 | Ljubljana | LJSE & ZSE conference »CEE Investment Opportunities« | |
7/10/ - 8/10/2025 | Online | LJSE (for retail investors): »Financial Festival« | |
4/9/2025 | Online | LJSE Webcast »Slovenian Listed Companies Online« | |
26/5 - 27/5/2025 | Zagreb | LJSE & ZSE conference: »CEE Investment Opportunities« | |
8/4/2025 | Ljubljana | ATVP (Securities Market Agency): »Slovenian Capital Market« (Register here) | |
7/4 - 9/4/2025 | Zürs, Austria | RBI Investor Conference Zürs | |
28/3/2025 | Bled | Capital Markets Day 2025 | |
27/3/2025 | Online | LJSE Webcast »Slovenian Listed Companies Online« (Register here) | |
6/3/2025 | Ljubljana | LJSE (for retail investors): »Trade on the Stock Exchange« (Register here) | DOWNLOAD |
6/3/2025 | Online | 2024 Triglav's Earnings call | DOWNLOAD |
13/2 - 14/2/2025 | Tokyo | Investor Conference in Japan (Ministry of Finance, RS) | DOWNLOAD |
26/11/2024 | Ljubljana | LJSE & ZSE conference »CEE Investment Opportunities« | DOWNLOAD |
20/11/2024 | Online | 9M 2024 Triglav's Earnings Call | DOWNLOAD |
9/10 - 10/10/2024 | Online | LJSE Conference for retail investors: »Financial Festival« (Register here) | DOWNLOAD |
05/09/2024 | Online | H1 2024 LJSE Webcast »Slovenian Listed Companies Online« (Register here) | DOWNLOAD |
22/8/2024 | Online | H1 2024 Triglav's Earnings Call | DOWNLOAD |
4/6 – 5/6/2024 | Zagreb | LJSE & ZSE konferenca: »CEE Investment Opportunities« | DOWNLOAD |
22/05/2024 | Ljubljana | LJSE Conference for retail investors: »Trade on the Stock Exchange« (Register here) | DOWNLOAD |
21/5/2024 | Online | Q1 2024 Triglav's Earnings Call | DOWNLOAD |
10/05/2024 | NLB, Ljubljana | Slovenian and Croatian Investor Conference (Register here) | DOWNLOAD |
26/03/2024 | Hotel Union, Ljubljana | »The Day of Slovenian Capital Market 2024« (Register here) | DOWNLOAD |
21/03/2024 | Online | LJSE 2023 Webcast: »Slovenian Listed Companies Online« (Register here) | DOWNLOAD |
6/3/2024 | Online | 2023 Triglav's Earnings call | DOWNLOAD |
05/12/2023 | Ljubljana | LJSE & ZSE conference »CEE Investment Opportunities« | DOWNLOAD |
30/11/2023 | Online | 9M 2023 Triglav´s Earnings Call | DOWNLOAD |
30/10 - 3/11/2023 | Online | 2023 E & Frontier Markets Conference (Auerbach Grayson) | DOWNLOAD |
24/10/2023 - 25/10/2023 | Online | LJSE Conference for retail investors: »Financial Festival« | DOWNLOAD |
12/9/2023 | Online | H1 2023 LJSE Webinar »Slovenian Listed Companies Online« | DOWNLOAD |
31/8/2023 | Online | H1 2023 Triglav´s Earnings Call | DOWNLOAD |
01/6 - 02/6/2023 | Zagreb | LJSE & ZSE conference »CEE Investment Opportunities« | DOWNLOAD |
30/5/2023 | Online | Q1 2023 Triglav´s Earnings Call | DOWNLOAD |
30/5/2023 | Ljubljana | LJSE Conference for retail investors: »Trade on the Stock Exchange« | DOWNLOAD |
22/3/2023 | Online | LJSE 2022 Webinar »Slovenian Listed Companies Online« | DOWNLOAD |
6/3/2023 | Online | 2022 Triglav´s Earnings call | DOWNLOAD |
30/11/2022 | Ljubljana | CEE Investment Conference LJSE & ZSE | DOWNLOAD |
25/11/2022 | Online | 9M 2022 Triglav’s Earnings call | DOWNLOAD |
21/11/2022 | Online | Raiffeisen Bank Digital SEE DAY | DOWNLOAD |
26/10/2022 | Online | LJSE Conference for retail investors | DOWNLOAD |
25/10/2022 | Online | 2022 E&FM Conference Auerbach Grayson | DOWNLOAD |
31/8/2022 | Online | LJSE H1 2022 Webcast | DOWNLOAD |
19/8/2022 | Online | H1 2022 Triglav Earnings Call | DOWNLOAD |
31/5/2022 | Ljubljana | LJSE Conference for retail investors | DOWNLOAD |
26/5/2022 | Online | CEE Investment Conference LJSE & ZSE | DOWNLOAD |
23/5/2022 | Online | Q1 2022 Results Earnings call | DOWNLOAD |
23/3/2022 | Online | LJSE 2021 Webcast | DOWNLOAD |
2/3/2022 | Online | 2021 Triglav´s Earnings call | DOWNLOAD |
25/1/2022 | Online | Capital Markets Day 2022 | DOWNLOAD |
8/12/2021 | Prague, Czech Republic | WOOD´s Winter Wonderland Emerging Europe Conf. | |
1/12/2021 | Ljubljana | LJSE and ZSE Investor Day | DOWNLOAD |
22/11/2021 | Online | RCB DIGITAL SEE DAY | |
18/11/2021 | 9M 2021 Earnings call | ||
2/9/2021 | Online | Frontier Investor Days Conference | DOWNLOAD |
31/8/2021 | Online | LJSE webcast | DOWNLOAD |
20/8/2021 | Online | H1 2021 Earnings call | |
16/6/2021 | Online | WOOD Emerging Europe Financials | DOWNLOAD |
27/5/2021 | Online | LJSE and ZSE Investor Day | DOWNLOAD |
21/5/2021 | Online | Q1 2021 Earnings Call | |
24/3/2021 | Online | LJSE Webcast | DOWNLOAD |
4/3/2021 | Online | 2020 Results Earnings call | |
9/12/2020 | Online | LJSE and ZSE Investor Day | DOWNLOAD |
2/12/2020 | Online | WOOD's Winter Wonderland: Emerging Europe Conf. | DOWNLOAD |
November 2020 | Belgrade, Serbia | Upgrade in Belgrade konference BSE - EVENT CANCELLED | |
October 2020 | New York, USA | LJSE and ZSE Investor's conference - EVENT CANCELLED | |
3/9/2020 | Online | WOOD: Frontier Investor Day with FT | DOWNLOAD |
2/9/2020 | Online | PKO BP Securities SEE Investor Day | DOWNLOAD |
2/9/2020 | Online | Webcast LJSE | DOWNLOAD |
4/6/2020 | Warsaw | WOOD Emerging Europe Financial & WSE - EVENT CANCELLED | |
1/6/2020 | Online | Webcase LJSE | DOWNLOAD |
28/5/2020 | Online | WOOD's Virtual Conference | DOWNLOAD |
28-29/5/2020 | Zagreb, Croatia | CEE Investment Opportunities Slovenia & Croatia Investor Day - EVENT CANCELLED | |
20/4/2020 | London, Great Britain | Intercapital & LSE CEE Capital Markets Conference - EVENT CANCELLED | |
16/4/2020 | Stockholm, Sweden | Slovenian day in Stockholm - EVENT CANCELLED | |
23/3/2020 | Online | Webcast LJSE | DOWNLOAD |
10/12/2019 | Ljubljana, Slovenia | LJSE and ZSE Investor Day | DOWNLOAD |
4/12/2019 | Prague, Czech Republic | WOOD's Winter Wonderland: Emerging Europe Conf. | DOWNLOAD |
22/11/2019 | Vienna, Austria | Roadshow z Ipopema | DOWNLOAD |
24/9/2019 | Warsaw, Poland | PKO BP Securities SEE Investor Day | DOWNLOAD |
6/9/2019 | Bucharest, Romania | WOOD: Frontier Investor Day with FT | |
3/9/2019 | On line | Webcast LJSE | DOWNLOAD |
30-31/5/2019 | Zagreb, Croatia | CEE Investment Opportunities Slovenia & Croatia Investor Day | DOWNLOAD |
17/4/2019 | London, Great Britain | Intercapital & LSE CEE Capital Markets Conference | DOWNLOAD |
11/4/2019 | New York, USA | Rosenblatt CEMEA Conference | DOWNLOAD |
8/4/2019 | New York, USA | LJSE and ZSE Investor's conference (NASDAQ) | DOWNLOAD |
22/3/2019 | On line | Webcast LJSE (2018 Unaudited) | DOWNLOAD |
13/12/2018 | Scandinavia | Roadshow with RCB (Tallinn, Stockholm) | DOWNLOAD |
4-5/12/2018 | Prague, Czech Republic | WOOD's Winter Wonderland: Emerging Europe Conference | DOWNLOAD |
29/11/2018 | Ljubljana, Slovenia | Investor's Conference of Ljubljana Stock Exchange | DOWNLOAD |
22/11/2018 | On line | Webcast 9M 2018 (Ljubljana Stock Exchange) | DOWNLOAD |
6-7/9/2018 | Bucharest, Romania | WOOD's Frontier Investor Day | DOWNLOAD |
3/9/2018 | On line | Webcast H1 2018 (Ljubljana Stock Exchange) | DOWNLOAD |
21/6/2018 | Headquarters | Triglav Capital Markets Day | DOWNLOAD |
31/5/2018 | On line | Webcast Q1 2018 (Ljubljana Stock Exchange) | DOWNLOAD |
24-25/5/2018 | Zagreb, Croatia | CEE Investment Opportunities Slovenia & Croatia Investor Day | DOWNLOAD |
20/4/2018 | London, United Kingdom | LSE CIS & CEE Capital Markets conference | DOWNLOAD |
2-4/4/2018 | USA | Roadshow with FIMA and LXM (Miami, NY, Austin) | |
23/3/2018 | On line | Webcast 2017 performance (Ljubljana Stock Exchange) | DOWNLOAD |
6/12/2017 | Prague, Czech Republic | WOOD's Winter Wonderland: Emerging Europe Conference | DOWNLOAD |
23/11/2017 | Ljubljana, Slovenia | Investor's Conference of Ljubljana Stock Exchange | DOWNLOAD |
20/11/2017 | New York, USA | Investor's Conference (VSE, Erste Group, Auersbach Grayson) | DOWNLOAD |
12/10/2017 | Stegersbach, Austria | Erste group Investor Conference | DOWNLOAD |
13/9/2017 | Online | Webcast (Ljubljana Stock Exchange) | DOWNLOAD |
8/9/2017 | Bucharest, Romania | WOOD: Frontier Investor Day with FT | DOWNLOAD |
4/7/2017 | Headquarters, Ljubljana | Analyst conference on Solvency II | DOWNLOAD |
14/6/2017 | Online | Webcast (Ljubljana Stock Exchange) | DOWNLOAD |
25/5/2017 | Zagreb, Croatia | Investor's Conference of Ljubljana Stock Exchange and Zagreb Stock Exchange | DOWNLOAD |
27/3/2017 | London, United Kingdom | London Stock Exchange & InterCapital Conference | DOWNLOAD |
25/1/2017 | Zagreb, Croatia | Investor's Day (with IC) | DOWNLOAD |
30/11/2016 | Prague, Czech Republic | WOOD's Winter Wonderland: Emerging Europe Conference | DOWNLOAD |
24/11/2016 | Ljubljana, Slovenia | Slovenia Investor Day (Ljubljana Stock Exchange) | DOWNLOAD |
21/11/2016 | New York, USA | Investor conference Vienna Stock Exchange, Erste Group and Auersbach Grayson | DOWNLOAD |
3/11/2016 | Belgrade, Serbia | Investor Conference of Belgrade Stock Exchange and WOOD&Co | DOWNLOAD |
13/10/2016 | Stegersbach, Austria | Erste group Investor Conference | DOWNLOAD |
8/9/2016 | Bucharest, Romania | Frontier Investor Day with FT (Wood/CO) | DOWNLOAD |
5/7/2016 | Headquarters, Ljubljana | Analyst conference on Solvency II | DOWNLOAD |
24/5/2016 | Zagreb, Croatia | Investor's Conference of Ljubljana Stock Exchange and Zagreb Stock Exchange | DOWNLOAD |
11/3/2016 | London, United Kingdom | London Stock Exchange & InterCapital Conference | DOWNLOAD |
2/12/2015 | Prague, Czech Republic | WOOD's Winter in Prague – Emerging Europe Conference | |
26/11/2015 | Ljubljana, Slovenia | Slovenia Investor Day (Ljubljana Stock Exchange) | |
23/11/2015 | New York, USA | Investor conference: Vienna Stock Exchange, Erste Group and Auersbach Grayson | DOWNLOAD |
19/11/2015 | Belgrade, Serbia | 14th Regional Investor Conference of Belgrade Stock Exchange and WOOD&Co | DOWNLOAD |
6/10/2015 | Stegersbach, Avstria | Erste group Investor Conference | DOWNLOAD |
26/5/2015 | Zagreb, Croatia | Investor's Conference of Ljubljana Stock Exchange and Zagreb Stock Exchange | DOWNLOAD |
26/3/2015 | London, United Kingdom | London Stock Exchange & InterCapital Conference | DOWNLOAD |
27/2/2015 | New York, USA | Frontier Markets Conference (Auerbach Grayson, Morgan Stanley) | DOWNLOAD |
27/11/2014 | Ljubljana, Slovenia | Meeting with investors and analysts (Ljubljana Stock Exchange) | DOWNLOAD |
24/11/2014 | New York, USA | 12th AUSTRIAN & CEE Investor's Conference (Auerbach Grayson, Erste group, VSE) | DOWNLOAD |
9/10/2014 | Stegersbach, Austria | Erste Group Investor's Conference (individual meetings) | DOWNLOAD |
27/6/2014 | Mamaia, Romania | Wood's Frontier Day (individual meetings) | DOWNLOAD |
4/6/2014 | Beograd, Serbia | 19th East Capital Summit | DOWNLOAD |
6/5/2014 | Ljubljana, Slovenia | Investor's Conference of Ljubljana Stock Exchange and Zagreb Stock Exchange | DOWNLOAD |
9/4/2014 | Ljubljana, Slovenia | Webcast organized by Alta (individual meetings) | DOWNLOAD |
5/12/2013 | Ljubljana, Slovenia | Investor's Day (1 on 1) Ljubljana Stock Exchange | |
2/12/2013 | New York, USA | 11th Austrian & CEE Investor Conference | DOWNLOAD |
19/11/2013 | Belgrade, Serbia | Investor's Conference | DOWNLOAD |
10/9/2013 | Webcast | Alta Invest, Webcast of Prime Market | DOWNLOAD |
18/4/2013 | Ljubljana, Slovenia | Investor's Conference of Prime Market of Ljubljana Stock Exchange | DOWNLOAD |
15/4/2013 | Zagreb, Croatia | Investor's Day, Intercapital | DOWNLOAD |
4/12/2012 | Ljubljana, Slovenia | Meeting with investors and analysts | DOWNLOAD |
26/11/2012 | New York, USA | 10th Austrian &CEE Investor Conference | DOWNLOAD |
29/9/2012 | Portorož, Slovenia | Meeting with financial analysts | DOWNLOAD |
4/6/2012 | Ljubljana, Slovenia | Online roadshow of Prime Market | DOWNLOAD |
25/5/2012 | Istanbul, Turkey | Euro-Asian Investors Summit | DOWNLOAD |
24/4/2012 | Ljubljana, Slovenia | Slovene capital market day | DOWNLOAD |
17/4/2012 | Zagreb, Croatia | Investors' Day | DOWNLOAD |
For any questions regarding events or presentations, we are available to you at Investors Relations department.