For more than a decade, the many benefits that Zavarovalnica Triglav provides have been testament to the focus it places on employees and their families. As a holder of the Family-Friendly Certificate, which is awarded by the Ekvilib Institute, we help colleagues, of all generations, to find something for themselves. We pay close attention to the physical and mental well-being of our staff, help relieve the stress of illness for them and their loved ones, and make it easier for them to strike a good work-life balance.
Basic benefits
Communicating with staff and the general public is vitally important – only in this way can they be properly informed of all the benefits available. At the same time, the public recognises us as a responsible company that looks after its employees. By offering these many benefits and creating a happy working environment, we strengthen our reputation as an employer. This helps us build a valuable relationship with current employees and attract new ones.
We learn how employees perceive and value the range of benefits that provide for a better work-life balance through annual employee surveys (e.g. organisational vitality). The results and feedback are not only a source of motivation, but also a commitment to improve further. Through our education and training for managers, we raise team leader's awareness of the importance of following the philosophy of family-oriented management and making practical use of the benefits on offer. This encourages them to recognise the importance of employee's private lives and the impact they have on performance at work. We believe that knowledge and a proper sense of how to guide colleagues through the numerous challenges that arise at different stages of life help to establish a positive working atmosphere.
Additional benefits
These have a positive impact on the wider private lives of all employees. We have put in place a diverse set of additional benefits that make it easier for employees to balance their professional and private commitments at different stages of life.
Striking a work-life balance
At the company we have set up a special work-life balance group that includes employee representatives. These representatives are also ambassadors of the Family-Friendly Certificate in their respective workplaces. The members of this group take an active part in designing benefits and suggesting improvements. The group is led by the certificate manager and her deputy, who are available to provide all staff and managers with information and advice in relation to the benefits on offer.
If the work process allows, we can provide employees who have care commitments to their family members with the option of starting work later in the day. Employees who live more than 50 km from their workplace also have the same option. In order to secure the well-being of our older employees, we also offer this option to the over-55s.
Employees can also sign fixed-term, part-time employment contracts even in cases where the law does not provide for reduced working hours on account of family commitments. Our “care basket for loved ones” also provides employees with a time bonus and extra days of special leave. The time bonus eases the pressure that employees can face when temporarily having to care for a family member who is ill, but this right is not covered by public healthcare provisions. When close family members require care, employees can also make use of an additional 40 paid hours a year to care for them as required. Extra days of special leave are available in cases where an employee is unable to obtain paid sick leave or paid time off to accompany a loved one to treatment under compulsory health insurance, for example when caring for a close family member.
In addition to the general option of working from home under their employment contract and the Rules on working time, employees are also able to make use of the option of working from home in exceptional circumstances. If an employee is injured or recovering from an operation that affects their mobility, or if they have to care for a loved one who has been injured and is recovering at home, we can arrange for them to work from home for a specific and limited continuous block of time. This saves them from having to travel to work, and enables them to take better care of their loved ones. We have also added the option of working at a nearby home location, which we accommodate in specially designated cases.
Employee health and well-being
Employees can take advantage of “Health Days”, one of the company’s most popular programmes, as part of the benefits offered by Triglav.smo. This preventive health programme is aimed at reducing risk, softening the impact of health problems and encouraging employees to take better care of themselves. It is aimed at all employees of the company. In the spirit of intergenerational solidarity, we give priority to the over-55s when it comes to applying for the first and last programme dates of the year.
We also offer additional health-related benefits to employees aged over 55 in the form of more frequent periodic medical checks. The HR department is in charge of sending out invitations for periodic occupational health checks, and ensures that all employees are invited at the right time. This benefit is part of the “basket” of health benefits we offer to our employees. It helps detect diseases earlier, and reduces the risks that can arise if one delays a visit to the doctor. We also provide a special time bonus of eight hours for a doctor's visit to all employees who, due to specific regulations, work part-time instead of full-time.
In the case of longer periods of absence (maternity leave, extended periods of sick leave), it is important that we address the issue of how employees can find their way back to work. Meetings at which managers and employees discuss the work process and their expectations and wishes, and attempt to find the best way of moving forward, are valuable when employees begin to return to work. This is usually a sensitive period for both sides, but one that can be made more pleasant through reasoned discussion. Colleagues from the HR department, who present the benefits of the certificate, are also involved in this process.
Throughout the year we provide opportunities for personal growth and mental health support. The online “Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body” workshops help employees overcome stress and challenges, and contribute to lifelong learning and the establishment of good relationships. By constantly coming up with ideas on how best to face the challenges that life throws up, we aim to create a positive environment capable of supporting us in different circumstances.
For over a decade, and with the aim of strengthening bonds with our employees still further, we have been focusing efforts on providing psychosocial support. Specialists within our team are qualified to provide psychosocial counselling, and give valuable support in times of crisis. Regardless of whether an employee is encountering challenges in their professional or private life, they can put their trust in our “Psychological pulse” team. For our employees, this is an invaluable opportunity to engage in a confidential discussion when they really need it.
Triglav is with all of us, in good times and bad, including at times of joy. The e-card we send out on an employee’s birthday is one such time. On this special day of the year, when cards are received from family and friends, we join in the celebrations and give our best wishes and many happy returns to employees on the company intranet.
Benefits for parents
In addition to flexible working hours, extra days of special leave and time bonuses, which make it easier for many of our employees to care for their children, we offer numerous other parental benefits.
When a toddler attends nursery school or organised daycare for the first time, we are more than happy to offer parents a child time bonus. This is eight hours of credited working time that parents can use in the week in which their child is going to nursery school for the first time. Since 2013, parents of first-year primary schoolchildren have been given an extra day of leave so that they can be there with their child to hear the first school bell. Holiday camps for children are also a very welcome benefit. For several summers now, primary schoolchildren have been given the chance to collect life experiences, write beautiful stories and make new friends at camps along the Kolpa river. Triglav opens its wallet and its heart so that its employee's children can have fun and parents enjoy a worry-free week. Parents make a contribution to the cost of the programme. Parents of children with special needs are also entitled to receive the same co-financing for a holiday programme of their choice.
At the end of the year, Zavarovalnica Triglav traditionally gives presents to children aged between one and eight. Each year the office in charge of the December gifts makes every effort to make the festive season a magical one for the children and ensure that the gift-giving remains long in the memories of children and parents alike. When any of our employees receives the gift of a newborn, we make sure that the event is marked by sending a card of congratulations to the parent's home address.
We are also there when our employee's children are experiencing difficult moments. Whenever a parent employed by Zavarovalnica Triglav or their partner passes away, we provide their children with scholarships and monthly annuities. This helps relieve some of the financial pressure that occurs when a child loses a parent.
This is who we are. We are all Triglav.