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Giants of driving take over Gorenjska

Zavarovalnica Triglav concludes this year's season of driving refreshers for senior drivers in Kranj

For the fourth consecutive year, Zavarovalnica Triglav, in cooperation with AMZS, organised driving refreshers for senior drivers across Slovenia. So far, more than 1,500 drivers aged 60 and over have participated in the programme and covered more than 45,000 kilometres all over Slovenia together with AMZS driving instructors. The last stop of this year's popular campaign took place this week in Kranj.

“Instructor-led driving refreshers are designed to help older drivers stay mobile for longer, and to do so safely. These drivers bring years of experience behind the wheel, countless kilometres driven, and a wealth of tolerance and wisdom. All of these qualities make older drivers true giants of the road, and with this campaign we want to celebrate the millions of safe kilometres they’ve covered over the decades,” said Mihaela Perčič, director in charge of the Gorenjska region at Zavarovalnica Triglav.

A driving refresher is a free urban driving lesson conducted with one of AMZS’s eight experienced instructors, which allows seniors to drive their own vehicles. This gives the participants the chance to familiarise themselves with some of the helpful new features in their cars, such as the safety and assistance systems, which they can then start using more actively. A key feature of the driving refresher is that seniors can work with the instructor to resolve any issues that arise during the driving session itself. The driving session is always followed by a short period in which the instructor provides feedback and advice, as needed.

The largest Slovenian insurance company understands the vital role that experience and safety play for all generations on the road. To honour this, they have established a community for their policyholders aged 60 and over, celebrating the thousands of kilometres they've driven and the decades of diverse stories and experiences accumulated behind the wheel.

Respecting these years of experience and supporting the giants of driving, they travelled across Slovenia with AMZS instructors until November. This year, alongside Kranj, they refreshed the seniors’ driving skills in Trbovlje, Murska Sobota, Celje, Ljubljana, and Koper, completing nearly 300 driving sessions in total.

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