Share price (Xetra)

Management of the Triglav Group

Zavarovalnica Triglav, d.d., is managed and governed according to a two-tier system. The management bodies, i.e. the General Meeting of Shareholders, the Management Board and the Supervisory Board, operate in compliance with primary and secondary legislation, the Articles of Association of the Company, and their own rules of procedure.

Management bodies

The management of Zavarovalnica Triglav, d.d., the controlling company of the Triglav Group, is carried out according to a two-tier system through the General Meeting of Shareholders, the Management Board and the Supervisory Board.

The general meeting of shareholders

Shareholders of Zavarovalnica Triglav, d.d., exercise their rights in respect of matters concerning the Company through the General Meeting of Shareholders, which is convened at least once a year, by the end of August at the latest. Additional information regarding the announcement of the General Meeting, its competences, the right to vote and attend is available here.

The Management Board

The Management Board of Zavarovalnica Triglav, d.d., is appointed by the Supervisory Board and manages the Company independently and at its sole responsibility. It presents and represents the Company without limitations. In legal transactions, the Company is always jointly presented and represented by two members of the Management Board, one of whom must be its President. Any person fulfilling the requirements stipulated by the Insurance Act and the Companies Act can be appointed President or member of the Management Board.

Members of the Management Board of Zavarovalnica Triglav:

  • Andrej Slapar, President,
  • Uroš Ivanc, member,
  • Tadej Čoroli, member,
  • Marica Makoter, member - the employee representative,
  • Blaž Jakič, member.

Supervisory Board

As a supervisory body, the Supervisory Board supervises the company’s business conduct with full responsibility. It has nine members, of whom six are representatives of the shareholders and three are representatives of the employees. The Committees of the Supervisory Board draft resolutions of the Supervisory Board, ensure their implementation and carry out other professional tasks.