The Triglav Group has adopted a zero tolerance for fraud, a commitment to respect ethical principles in business and a policy of protecting bona fide informants (whistleblowers) from retaliation and ensuring their anonymity.
If you suspect fraud, violation of the Triglav Group Code or any other irregularities, inform us about it through our secure channel for reporting violations.
Report violations
You can report any illegal conduct that is contrary to the values and principles of the Triglav Group or an attempt at such conduct that may harm the insurance company, its employees or other persons, e.g. suspicions of internal fraud, abuse, bribery, corruption and other irregularities or violations of the ethical principles of the Triglav Group. We will carefully review each report and take appropriate action. The full protection of the informant will be ensured throughout the duration of the procedure, as well as after its completion.
You can also use other methods to report suspected internal fraud or violations of the Triglav Group Code:
- by e-mail to the following e-mail address:;
- by post to the address: Zavarovalnica Triglav, d.d., Miklošičeva 19, 1000 Ljubljana (with the annotation "SKLADNOST POSLOVANJA – ne odpiraj!"); or
- you can contact in person or call Compliance Department of Zavarovalnica Triglav, d.d.
In accordance with the WhisWtleblower Protection Act, you also have the option of making an external report of violations when an internal report could not be reviewed effectively or you believe that there is a risk of retaliation in the case of an internal report of fraud or violations of the Triglav Group Code. All information regarding external report can be found at the following link: KPK - information on external application.