In the Triglav Group, we are aware that lawful and ethical conduct, in compliance with the fundamental principles of corporate integrity and internationally accepted professional standards and good business practices, are basis for (up)building safe operations, brand reputation and the trust of our stakeholders.
Code of the Triglav Group
Refreshed in the spring of 2023 the Code of the Triglav Group is designed as a central ethical document of the Triglav Group and foundation of our corporate culture and ethical principles. It is a compass, which rounds up the basic principles of our behavior and ethical conduct, the Code encourages and binds Triglav Group employees to co-create uniform standards in relation to all stakeholders. It also leads us towards sustainable operations and business, so that already today we strenghten our responsibility to our co-workers and ourselves and responsibly care for our clients, partners and the wider community and environment for tomorrow.
The core of the Triglav Group Code contains 13 carefully selected ethical principles that guide us and support our 4 main messages: Acting fairly, Transparent operations and communication, Responsible care for stakeholders and We manage the risks.
Insurance Code
As a member of the Slovenian Insurance Association Zavarovalnica Triglav, d.d., is bound by the provisions of the Insurance Code, the purpose of which is to develop the professionalism and loyalty in the insurance industry and provide customers with high-quality insurance protection.
Slovenian Corporate Integrity Guidelines
As of 2014, when it acceded to the Slovenian Corporate Integrity Guidelines as one of the founding corporate partners, Zavarovalnica Triglav, d.d., is an ambassador of corporate integrity in Slovenia, committed to perform its business with respect to legal and ethical standards and to continuous strenghtening of its corporate integrity.
Restrictions on business in accordance with ZSDH-1
In accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 1, 6, 9 of Article 60 of the Slovenian Sovereign Holding Act (ZSDH-1), Zavarovalnica Triglav, d.d., is subject to restrictions of business operations with the following entities (business companies, individual entrepreneurs, or other business entities from the public or private sector):
Slovenian Corporate Governance Code for Listed Companies
As a public limited company whose stocks are listed on a stock exchange, Zavarovalnica Triglav, d.d., respects the requirements on corporate integrity, transparency of business operations and disclosure of information in accordance with the rules and recommendations of the securities market and the Slovenian Corporate Governance Code for Listed Companies.
UN Global Compact Slovenia
Zavarovalnica Triglav, d.d., is a signatory to the UN Global Compact Slovenia Declaration on Fair Business, committing itself to operate in an even more transparent and honest way. In concluding our business transactions, we avoid and reject any corrupt behavior, including extortion and bribery, and take care to maintain our corporate integrity at all costs. In accordance with the provisions of the Declaration on Fair Business, all contracts we enter into include, if applicable, a strict anti-corruption clause.
Business Integrity and Transparency Forum
Zavarovalnica Triglav, d.d., supports the operation of the Business Integrity and Transparency Forum at Transparency International Slovenia. The Forum brings together companies from Slovenia and the region that strive for a high level of integrity and the development of an internal corporate culture that will promote ethically and sustainably oriented business, and at the same time, through targeted cooperation, mutual exchange of knowledge and good practices, ensure more effective prevention of illegal and unethical practices in all areas of business.
On 2/6/2014, the Republic of Slovenia and the United States of America signed the Agreement to Improve International Tax Compliace and to Implement FATCA. According to this agreement, Zavarovalnica Triglav, d.d., as a Foreign (non-US) Financial Institution, is obliged to identify and record its clients which count as US tax residents and to report on their assets to the US Internal Revenue Service via the Slovenian tax authorities.
Respect for fundamental human rights
Respect for fundamental human rights is seen as an important element of the modern international business environment, so by signing the Commitment to Respect for Human Rights in Business by the parent company of the Triglav group, we embarked on the path of further development of an ethical and human-friendly business environment. The commitment is based on the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other relevant international human rights instruments, and at national level the area is defined by the National Action Plan of the Republic of Slovenia for Respect for Human Rights in the Economy.