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Triglav Run attracts more than 1,800 visitors

Participants in the 12th Triglav Run covered more than 9,000 kilometres at Brdo pri Kranju

On Saturday, 7 September 2024, more than 1,800 runners and fans contributed to making the 12th Triglav Run an exceptional sports and social event at Brdo pri Kranju. Runners of all ages took part in five running challenges in the stunning scenery at the foot of the Kamnik-Savinja Alps and in the company of top athletes. In addition to the traditional routes, where runners tested their fitness and endurance, this year there was a new, inclusive route for people with reduced mobility. And once again, the Triglav Run was dedicated to a good cause – better care for newborn babies.

At the 12th Triglav Run, runners of all ages and fitness levels took to the traditional routes: the 10 km and 5 km races, the family race and the Kuža Pazi (Willy Watchdog) children’s run, while the half-marathon runners were unable to complete the course due to preventative health measures on the route. In total, the participants ran more than 9,000 kilometres on the day.

The best result in the 5 km race in the women’s category was achieved by Julija Brus, with a time of 00:21:18, while the winner among the men was Jan Trček, with a time of 00:17:58. Nina Gubanc was the fastest 10 km runner among the women, with a time of 00:38:30, and Mitja Krevs was fastest in the men's category, covering the distance in 00:32:17.

A new feature of this year’s Triglav Run was a 1,400 m inclusive route, which was completed without timing by people with reduced mobility or various medical conditions. Children from the Gold Ribbon Institute (Slovenian: Inštitut Zlata pentljica) attended the event again this year, and runners received medals made at the Kranj Care and Work Centre.

More than a competition
Although top runners with enviable results take part in the event every year, the Triglav Run is about more than such metrics. "The Triglav Run is more than chasing times and measuring strength. It is an event that promotes exercise and healthy lifestyles, combining a love of sport and the outdoors with a concern for the most vulnerable members of our society. This year, we paid special attention to the inclusion of everyone, including people with various disabilities. Finishing in first place is not always the be-all and end-all for everyone; what’s important is to have the courage to participate, to persevere, to stay on the track," said Marica Makoter, a Member of the Management Board of Zavarovalnica Triglav, on the occasion of the 12th Triglav Run.

The Triglav Run is traditionally devoted to helping the most vulnerable members of society, and the Triglav Group has for a number of years passed on the proceeds of the event to healthcare institutions. As in previous years, the proceeds from participation, which this year amounted to EUR 16,000, went to Slojenčki, an organisation that works towards ensuring good neonatal health.

Runners cheered on by 16 top athletes
The Triglav Run has been supported by many top Slovenian athletes for many years. This year, Jakov Fak, Timi Zajc, Peter Prevc, Žan Košir, Rok Marguč, Lara Rajterič, Robi Kogovšek, Jernej Slivnik and Andraž Šporar cheered on the runners along the routes and in the finishing straight. The event was further brightened by the musical rhythms of Samuel Lucas & The Groove Station, and the daring jumps of the acrobatic group Dunking Devils.

Triglav encourages the public to adopt a healthy lifestyle and to exercise, as these are important contributors to physical and mental health.

May Volavšek, 18, recently beat cancer and today ran 10 km in the Triglav Run. "I was invited to the Triglav Run by the Gold Ribbon Institute to inspire all teenagers who are or will be facing a similar situation as me. Movement was never a problem for me, more a joy. It was always a reason to get together with friends and spend time outdoors. The cancer diagnosis took all that away from me, but I promised myself that I’d do my best to get back to normal again as soon as possible. Today, my run confirmed that," said May Volavšek.

The event also helps fulfil the goals of the Let’s Secure the Future project, thus forming part of the Triglav Group’s sustainable operations. This year, the event organisers again placed particular emphasis on sustainability. Among other things, runners were served a hot meal of locally produced food, and the organisers and visitors worked together to keep the Brdo pri Kranju estate clean.

12th Triglav Run in numbers
12 years of Triglav Run = More than 18,000 runners
18,000 runners = 135,000 kilometres run
12 years of the Triglav Run = Almost 3,500 children who have taken part in the Kuža Pazi run
12th Triglav Run = 16 Slovenian athletes (ambassadors) encouraging the runners
12th Triglav Run = EUR 16,000 for the Slojenčki society
12 years of the Triglav Run = EUR 186,000 in donations to healthcare institutions


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