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When customers recognise excellent healthcare services

For the 8th year in a row, Triglav has awarded excellence awards to the best-rated healthcare providers

When health is at stake, fast, accessible and high-quality healthcare is essential to improve a person’s health and return to a normal life as soon as possible. To ensure that our customers have the best possible treatment experience, Triglav, Zdravstvena zavarovalnica, has been monitoring their satisfaction with the healthcare services they receive when they exercise their health insurance rights for more than eight years. Based on the ratings of customers, to whom the insurance company enabled nearly 60,000 medical treatments and related services from specialists in 2023, Triglav has again announced the names of the top healthcare providers – the recipients of their awards for excellence.

The providers that received the highest customer ratings last year included Artros, Dvorec Lanovž, Dialab, Klinika Omnia, Aristotel, zdravstveni center, Diagnostični center Bled, Medartis, Dermatologija Bartenjev, MTC Fontana, Althea, Grošelj-Matos otorinolaringologija, Lorena, Ambulanta Zdravje, Proderma, Nevrologija Fabjan, Medilab, Ambulanta Genus, Remeda, Bisturmed, Klanmedic, Arsderma-DCP, Dermatologija Bremec Bremec, and Ternas. As many as six healthcare providers – which have received the highest customer ratings for at least a fifth year in a row – can also boast the title of Ambassador of Excellence. They are Artros, Aristotel, zdravstveni center, Diagnostični center Bled, Medartis, Bisturmed, and Arsderma-DCP.

Working with more than 300 partners
Recipients of the awards of excellence are part of a wide network of more than 300 healthcare providers at all levels of healthcare who work with Triglav, Zdravstvena zavarovalnica. To ensure that customers on the road to health are financially secure in the event of illness or injury and, as a result, have access to the treatment they need as quickly as possible, Triglav is continuously upgrading the way it works with its entire network of partners. Last year, 70% of the treatments were thus booked through a digitised booking system, which allows instant booking of appointments directly in the schedules of the healthcare providers.

"With services that cover everything – from support in finding a healthcare provider and booking treatment to reimbursement of treatment costs – we aim to be a true partner for health. Healthcare providers, our partners, are also a key part of the ecosystem of comprehensive care for our policyholders, and we are working with them to build a diverse, strong and connected community. We believe that we can only respond quickly and reliably to our customers' needs by combining a personalised approach with the use of modern and simple solutions, which we are continuously upgrading in our cooperation with healthcare providers. In this way, we can better identify our customers' needs so that we can continue to be reliable, responsive and straightforward when they need us," said Meta Berk Skok, President of the Management Board at Triglav, Zdravstvena zavarovalnica, which is part of the Triglav Group.

Satisfied customers, a charitable note
Feedback from customers who value timely, quality and accessible treatment is crucial for the insurance company to monitor satisfaction with the health services provided. Customers are therefore also encouraged to submit evaluations, which are used to announce the recipients of the excellence awards, with a charitable note. For each completed satisfaction questionnaire, a donation is made to the Red Noses Slovenia Association. This time, the sum of EUR 15,000 was presented to the Association.

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